Friday, March 22, 2013

Secret Recognitions and Top 10 Lists

Inspired by the Post Secret Campaign, the SAACURH No Frills 2013 Conference decided to have a Secret Recognition where people could send in recognition to others anonymous. Here are all the recognition that were sent in and also Top 10 Lists!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Leadership: A New Environment

What type of leader are you?

Have you always wanted to try a different type of leadership style? Sometimes as student leaders we grow to be accustomed to our certain leadership style. Sometimes when we become so comfortable and familiar with a certain leadership style that we are actually limiting ourselves. 

One of the things that usually keeps us locked within a certain leadership style is the environment that we develop our leadership in. If you've always been the kind of leader where people look to you consider putting yourself in an environment where you do not have as much knowledge to allow others to take the steering wheel and thus giving you the opportunity to not only take a more service oriented role but also have the opportunity to learn something new. If you've always been the leader who has always taken a service behind the scenes style then consider putting yourself in an environment where you must face with talking to the crowd. 

By giving yourself an opportunity to explore a different style of leadership, you give yourself a chance to learn more about yourself. Most importantly, you are learning to adapt and change your leadership style in accordance with the situation which in the long run will make you a more effective leader. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Crafting and Recognition (With Pinterest)

Check out these really cool craft projects that could easily be turned into a recognition gift!
All of these ideas were found on Pinterest.

Source: via Kelly on Pinterest