Friday, September 28, 2012

Recognition: A Fortune of Thank Yous

Inspired from the messages found in fortune cookies, the Fortune of Thank Yous is a fun way to collect thank you messages from people and creatively present them to the person your recognizing. Here are the steps to create this precious gift.

Materials: Take Out Box (pre-made or from a template), glue, ribbon of various colors, stacks of color paper, markers and pens

1) Divide and cut the stacks of color paper into even pieces. I've noticed that rectangular shapes work really well for the messages. After you have all the sheets ready to go, head out and gather thank you messages from people. 

2) Once you have gathered enough messages, roll each message and secure it with a ribbon. It's okay if the messages do not roll out to be the same height just make sure that they are about the same diameter. 

3) After you've rolled up all your messages, you now have to obtain a take out box. You can either get a pre-made box or make your own. There are a wide variety of templates available online if you want to make your own take out box. If you make your own I recommend printing it on card stock. 

4) To finish it up all you have to do is put all of your rolled up messages into your take out box. As an optional finish you can also tie a ribbon around the take out box as well.